Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Clarification and one last clue

I feel that I should clarify just who is on this awesome vacation. It's not Steve.

And it's not Michelle.

It's me... Amanda.

Yes. I am vacationing and waiting to give out this lovely prize. I am (not) waiting patiently. To speed the process up a bit I am throwing one last clue your way. Does this picture make it easier?

Do you know where I went on the first stop of my vacation? I'm not good at keeping surprises, sooner or later I'm going to give in and just share the awesome pictures and ideas I have about my first stop just because I couldn't wait any longer. I really, really want to give away a prize first though. So take a stab, any guess is better than no guess!


Andrea said...

You visited the Tart Trail? Or helped maintain it?

Unknown said...

Your right. I visited TART and volunteered for them. How can I get you yor prize?


Andrea said...

email me at andrea.barry@live.com and let me know what information you need!

Andrea said...
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