Friday, July 9, 2010

Ripe for the picking!

Nope, I'm not talking about cherries, although they certainly are ripe for the picking! I'm talking about the prize for the person who correctly guesses my destination. The prize is really quite fabulous and I would love someone to have it, and then tell everyone they know where they got it. Would you all be willing to do me a favor? Will you share this blog on your facebook page? It's easy to do, just click the share button in the upper right corner. My goal in writing this blog is to build awareness for the United Way and the Volunteer Center, educating people about various non-profits in our community and motivating them to volunteer their time and effort. Our community is chock full of hard working, vibrant people who want to have meaningful volunteer experiences, and we at the United Way want to help people find those opportunities. We have partnerships with over 200 non-profits in the surrounding five counties... we know what kind of volunteers they need and can pass that along to you. It's what we are here to do and we love to do it!

That being said I am going to throw out another clue on my last experience. Take a good look at this picture, the clue is screaming at you!


Unknown said...

We have a winner! Thanks for your post on our Facebook page Rebecca!

Unknown said...

I guess I should clarify more... I vacationed at the Habitat for Humanity Womens Build and had a great time!