Monday, June 27, 2011

Grants awarded to local agencies

Although United Way is probably most known for raising money, the real purpose of United Way is to support area non-profits. One important way we do this is by providing grants. Earlier this month we concluded our grant making for this year. Here's what you, through your contributions, did:

•Helped fund 39 different programs

•Provided 12 programs with more than 75% of what they requested

•Funded 17 programs that had not been funded by United Way in the past

•Impacted people all across the 5-county area

•Funded programs addressing a wide range of needs including health care, housing, food, youth programs, and financial assistance

If you contributed to this year's community campaign you should feel good knowing your single gift to United Way was actually a gift to dozens of programs throughout our community. Giving through United Way is an important part of how our community responds to the needs of our neighbors.