Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Facts and Figures

In 2007 the State of Michigan published a report called "The State of Homelessness in Michigan". The report found that at that time there were 79,940 homeless people in our state. Now think about what has happened to our economy in the last couple of years, how high do you think that number may be now? Do you think homelessness is just a big city issue? Its not! There are nearly 3000 homeless people living in Northern Michigan. They live in shelters, they stay at the Goodwill Inn, they sleep under the bridge downtown, or out in the woods.

Here are some interesting facts and figures about the state of homelessness.

Northern Michigan
290 Chronic Homeless
627 Adults in Families
1298 Single Adults
867 Children in Families
2 Unaccompanied Youth

Totals for the state:
7080 Chronic Homeless
13,358 Adults in Families
30,843 Single Adults
16,751 Children in Families
938 Unaccompanied Youth

Homelessness and poverty are inextricably linked where families are one illness, accident, lost job or paycheck away from living on the streets. The rising cost of housing accompanied by declining wages creates conditions that put families at risk of losing their housing, and make it even more difficult for them to find housing one they becomes homeless.

Visit for more information on this growing issue.

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