Thursday, December 11, 2008

'Tis the Season

The mission of the United Way of Northwest Michigan is,

"... to efficiently raise and effectively distribute financial and volunteer resources to support community-determined initiatives that improve the lives of community members."

Most people think this means the United Way does only three things: (1) raise funds (2) grant money (3) encourage volunteerism.

The reality is we do far more than raise and distribute funds and volunteer resources. We are actively involved with numerous initiatives that affect the lives of people in need. We are involved in the Community Collaboratives in each of the five (5) counties we serve. We are a part of established programs like the Poverty Reduction Initiative (PRI), Great Start and the Fresh Food Partnership. We are also trying to help the community create new ways to respond to old problems. We are a part of initiatives like the one trying to bring 2-1-1 to our area and to implement Food Rescue. We are a part of these efforts because they are, "community determined initiatives that improve the lives of community members."

Your support of the United Way goes beyond the grants that are given and the volunteers who are placed, it supports ideas and helps them become a part of the services on which people rely. The United Way is actively working to find ways to improve the lives of people throughout our community. Thank you for supporting the United Way in 2008. I hope we can count on your support in the year to come.

Best Wishes for a holiday season full of joy and happiness.

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