Tuesday, May 18, 2010

That's it! I'm going on vacation.

I'm going on a long vacation. I'm a little burnt out and I think some time out of the office will help, I am sure you understand. Do you ever feel like your ability to be productive ends when your to-do list gets past ten items? When did we stop living in the moment and start living in chaos? When you look back at each day do you feel satisfied? Most days I don't, and I really want to change that. I know what makes me happy... why did I ever think that I couldn't do what makes me happy everyday? What kept me from realizing and living my dreams? I know the answer to that... I did. I am the only one keeping myself from being who I want to be and doing what I want to do. It's time for that to change. I love to help people. I want to visit Nicaragua with my church and help build an orphanage. I want to help my fellow community members grow out of poverty and realize their dreams. It's simple, I just want to help and it doesn't really matter where. Therefore, I am going on vacation. I am going to do what I want to do. Do you want to come on vacation with me? You're welcome to come, but if you don't I'll warn you now. I'm not sending postcards. I'm going to leave today and I already know where I am going first. This vacation is going to about living your dreams. Can you want to guess where I am going? I'll give you a hint. See if you can guess from the picture below and to make it even better I'll give away a prize for to the first person who gets it right. The first person to guess correctly will win a lovely, highly coveted Live United T-shirt.

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