On April 8, United Way of Northwest Michigan is going barefoot for One Day Without Shoes. It might be cold, it'll probably be uncomfortable, and our feet will certainly get dirty, but by doing so, we’ll help raise awareness of the impact a simple pair of shoes can bring to a person’s life.
We hope that you will join us for our barefoot walk through downtown Traverse City on April 8. We will be meeting at the United Way of Northwest Michigan offices at noon. We’ll leave from the United Way and walk down Union Street to Front street then walk down Front Street to Cass and back to the United Way offices on Union.
In addition to our barefoot walk we will also be hosting a shoe drive April 5 through the 9. Bring new or gently used shoes to the United Way offices at 521 S Union Street. Donations will be accepted Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
One Day Without Shoes is an annual event that was started by TOMS Shoes in which students, friends, parents, strangers, and co-workers host or join barefoot events. Some go barefoot for an hour, some for the whole day, but all become a part of a greater movement toward change.
This April 8, please lead by example by going barefoot, and help mobilize our community to be a part of One Day Without Shoes.
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