Family Volunteer Day is Saturday November 21st!
Baskets of Bounty
Thanksgiving is a time of year for families to sit together and discuss the things that they are grateful for while enjoying a traditional Thanksgiving meal. It is perhaps the most opportune time for parents to talk to children about what they are thankful for and the importance of giving. There are many families who will not have the opportunity to celebrate this holiday, as they might like to, and some live in our own town. Your family can make a difference by assembling a holiday basket for them to enjoy. Many local agencies are distributing baskets to area families. If your family would like to put together a basket please contact me for a list of local agencies that could use your help. You could even put together a basket with your neighbor, relatives or church group.
Candy Overload?
Does your Halloween candy go uneaten? Do you end up eating it instead of the kids (I do)? How about making some cute treat bags filled with your excess
Halloween candy and delivering them to local homeless shelters, nursing homes or food pantries. Everyone loves a special treat and this would be a great way to talk about giving—and prevent cavities. Your dentist will be proud!
Community Meals
Would you be interested in helping deliver a Thanksgiving day meal to an elderly person or shut in? The community Meals Program has delivered over 6,000 meals to our community members since 2000. Meal delivery will begin at 11:15am on Thanksgiving day and will be distributed throughout the Grand Traverse region. Take the kids out with you, it will be a great experience for them.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers
We see them every year—those dedicated people ringing bells all over our
community. The Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign kicks off November 20th at various locations throughout our community. The shifts are only two hours long and the kids are more than welcome to come out and give you a hand. You can view all of the shifts and sign up on the Salvation Army’s website.
The Turkey Trot
Would your family be interested in helping with the fun and always awesome
Turkey Trot? Volunteers are needed on November 25th and 26th for various duties such as preparing goody bags, assisting at the post-race food table, helping at a water station or cleaning up after the race. There are many ways to be involved, and this is a great excuse to spend part of the day outside.
Contact Amanda Hilt to take advantage of any of these volunteer opportunities. You can reach her at: amanda@unitedwaynwmi.org or 231-947-3200 x 206
Please remember that these opportunities are available for families with children of all ages.
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