This a great group started by students at NMC, in just their first year of existence they have done a lot of good throughout the community. Look for big things to come from them in the years to come. If you would like more information about Y.A.H.O.O please contact Emily at sportshorty21@fastmail.net
Y.A.H.O.O. or Young Adults Helping Others Out, is comprised of high school students, college students, and community members. We currently have about 50 members and are always looking for new faces!
In the past we have volunteered at:
Birchwood Nursing Home (painted wooden angels with the residents during the holidays) Munson Manor Hospitality House (we baked cookies for the residents twice, and also provided a meal) Adult Work Center (we chaperoned their dance at the civic center, and also helped with their carnival) Safe Harbor (we stayed and visited with the people) Salvation Army (we conducted a can drive during the holidays to help the Salvation Army's food pantry; we also received a $2,000 grant from the Student Government Association to buy toys for their toy drive) We hosted an "ENVIRONMENT DAY" at NMC to promote being green Traverse City State Theatre
Upcoming Events:
Bayshore Marathon
Goodwill Inn
Cherryland Humane Society
IdleWild renovation
Y.A.H.O.O. members volunteer because we understand the importance of volunteering. We know that many of these non-profit organizations could not be a helpful resource to needy families and individuals unless they have volunteer help. We also understand that to be beneficial members of the community we must give back to the community through volunteering. The members of this group are always busy planning their next big project or fundraising to give back to these non-profit organizations.
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