Monday, December 15, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Learn to Knit
If you are interested in attending please contact Michelle either by phone: 231-947-3200 x 201 or email: Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as possible.
'Tis the Season
"... to efficiently raise and effectively distribute financial and volunteer resources to support community-determined initiatives that improve the lives of community members."
Most people think this means the United Way does only three things: (1) raise funds (2) grant money (3) encourage volunteerism.
The reality is we do far more than raise and distribute funds and volunteer resources. We are actively involved with numerous initiatives that affect the lives of people in need. We are involved in the Community Collaboratives in each of the five (5) counties we serve. We are a part of established programs like the Poverty Reduction Initiative (PRI), Great Start and the Fresh Food Partnership. We are also trying to help the community create new ways to respond to old problems. We are a part of initiatives like the one trying to bring 2-1-1 to our area and to implement Food Rescue. We are a part of these efforts because they are, "community determined initiatives that improve the lives of community members."
Your support of the United Way goes beyond the grants that are given and the volunteers who are placed, it supports ideas and helps them become a part of the services on which people rely. The United Way is actively working to find ways to improve the lives of people throughout our community. Thank you for supporting the United Way in 2008. I hope we can count on your support in the year to come.
Best Wishes for a holiday season full of joy and happiness.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Volunteer... Volunteer... Volunteer
The NW Michigan Food Coalition needs your help more than ever this year. Thanksgiving baskets are being prepared for the ever-growing number of families seeking help. Can you help? Check with your closest food bank to see what part you can play in disarming the growing crisis of hunger in Northwest Michigan. Join the 431 RSVP volunteers who are making a difference in our community!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
We're going to be on TV!!
The show will also highlight volunteers in the five county area, feature a community calendar of events, premiere videos about volunteering, and give you down to earth information and education on what's going on and how you can give back! The premiere of "Giving Back...NWMI Style", is Monday, November 17 at 7:00 pm. It will air again on Friday, November 21 at 9:00 pm and Sunday, November 23 at 7:00 pm.
The first show will take a look into the Volunteer Center at the United Way with guests Steven Wade, Executive Director, United Way of Northwest Michigan and Mari von Walthausen, Assistant Director of the Volunteer Center. It will teach you everything you ever need to know about volunteerism (or almost), show you the winning entries of our first ever "Live United" video contest, and give you some ideas on how you can give back this holiday season. Have an idea for a show, contact
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Campaign Update

"Munson Healthcare has a strong tradition of supporting its communities," said Amy Tennis, Munson's Director of Benefits and co-chair of the organization's Live United Campaign. "Our first week's response reflects the generous hearts of employees who understand that United Way funds go directly to help those who live in our neighborhoods."
The need for social services and the generosity of the community is greater than ever before. We encourage you to be an everyday hero; GIVE, ADVOCATE and VOLUNTEER. Give what you are able, volunteer your time and talents and advocate the LIVE UNITED message to your family, friends and neighbors.
Please visit the United Way website at or call 947-3200 to host a workplace campaign, become an individual contributor or browse opportunities to volunteer throughout the community.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Volunteer Center
Survey says……….the 13th annual Day of Caring was a huge success! 130 teams of volunteers adopted 38 different Northwest Michigan non-profit agencies and organizations, giving back and enjoying themselves along the way.
Holding the event at the City Opera House was a hit. The Traverse City Central High School marching band and cheerleaders were riveting. Model A ford pickups held locally grown treats to feed us all, everyone contributing generously to our regional food drive and the sun coming up on a perfect day all made for an inspiring picture of a caring community, gathering together to do a day of service.
Go to and click on the Volunteer Center Day of Caring to view lots of great pictures from the day. The winners of the survey drawing were: Emily Arbut from the Young Professionals Group, Julie Rice from Fawcett/Dopke Insurance Agency, Inc. and Wayne Wahr from Morse Moving and Storage, congratulations! Thank you to all who participated in or supported Day of Caring. We look forward to working with you connecting nonprofit and volunteers all year long!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Annual Giving Campaigns
Conducting a workplace campaign has become the traditional way many local businesses, government and nonprofits in our community offer their support. Encouraging philanthropy and providing employees with a way to contribute to the community in which they live and work.
United Way is great for business too. That’s because United Way helps build a strong and thriving community, making it easier to attract and retain employees and business opportunities. Running a campaign in your workplace to support United Way’s Community Fund helps build strong teams, boosts morale, and unites employees. Employees take pride in organizations that demonstrate social responsibility.
Let us help plan and implement a campaign at your workplace.
For more information about hosting a United Way campaign, please call 947-3200 Ext. 204 or email
Monday, October 27, 2008
From our Executive Director, Steve Wade
Ubuntu is a word rooted in African spirituality which literally translated means, “I am, because we are”. It means we are all connected. We cannot be ourselves without community. Education, income, and health are always lived out among others and an individual’s well being is interdependent on the well being of others.
I hope you will take a few minutes to consider this concept. Discuss it with those who matter in your life. Ask yourself what it means to you and then ask, “How can I Live United?” For more information about the United Way and for ideas about how to Live United visit our website or call the United Way of Northwest Michigan 231.947.3200.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
10 things to avoid when sending enewsletters
read more | digg story
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Understanding the Presidentail candidates
You can check out their welcome video on Youtube:
Monday, September 15, 2008
Also, we are going to start doing a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter, so sign up! We wont fill your email inbox with a bunch of stuff you don't want. (I promise)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Day of Caring! SUCCESS!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Need your Oil Changed?
All of the food that they collect will be given to the United Way of Northwest Michigan Day of Caring Food Drive, and will then be distributed to food pantries throughout Northern Michigan.
For more details check out our website:
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Food Drive
Help feed your hungry neighbors!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Quote of the Day
-Mahatma Ghandi
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
12 Ways to give...
By Erin Burt
(Click HERE for the full article)
When it comes to helping others, young adults are no slouches. On average, Americans ages 18 to 24 plan to give nearly $350 to those in need over the holidays, according to a recent Deloitte & Touche survey. That's more than they plan to spend on gifts for friends and family. And young adults ages 25 to 34 expect to give about $190 to charitable causes.
But what if you've caught the spirit of the season but you're low on cash? Take heart. Even with a budget feeling the squeeze from student loans, rent, high energy bills or other holiday expenses, you can make a difference without writing a check or charging your credit card. There are plenty of alternative opportunities available if you know where to look.
Twelve ways to give:
1. Clean out your closet
2. Volunteer
3. Hold a cyber garage sale
4. Donate your old cell phone
5. Give new life to an old computer
6. Shop for a Cause
7. Click your support
8. Donate your frequent flier miles
9. Buy extra groceries
10. Be a kid again
11. Give Blood
12. Get a haircut.
Do your homework
However you choose to give, it's important to check out the charity first to make sure it is legitimate and that your money, goods or services will be used to the fullest potential. You can research an organization online through the American Institute of Philanthropy, Better Business Bureau, Charity Navigator or GuideStar. Learn more about these rating guides and what to look for when evaluating a charity.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Food Drive

One Truck
As part of our Day of Caring we are going to be having a food drive. Our goal is to fill a 27' truck with non-perishable food items in just 9 hours!! You can drop off food to us here at our office any time between now and September 11 (521 S Union) or you can bring your food to the truck on September 11 from 9 am to 5pm, it will be parked in the parking lot next to the Chamber of Commerce.
Our community food banks cupbards are very bare and with winter just a few months away they need all of our help. So please help us help them.Monday, July 28, 2008
Today's Quote
RIP Professor Pausch
Oct. 23, 1960 - July 25, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
And we're off....
Have a GREAT weekend!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Today's Quote
-Martin Luther King
Friday, July 18, 2008
Quote of the Day
Here is todays:
"We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give"
-Winston Churchill
Think about it!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Our new Leader!
Steve earned a degree in social work in 1988 from Shepherd College, now Shephered University, in West Viriginia. In his career, Steve has worked with teenage and single parents, as a hospital social worker, for a nursing home trade association, and for a festival "not dissimilar from the Cherry Festival." He says his leadership style centers on collaboration and problem-solving. "It is not a dictatorial style. It is not an authoritarian style," he said "the primary thing that I am going to do is listen."
We're all excited to have Steve come aboard and look forward to working with him.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Phase II

We didn't do so well in the first phase of the United Way Facebook Challenge, but that is behind us now and we are on to Phase II. Phase II has a better opportunity for more United Way's to win money. In this phase not only do we need people to join our Cause but we need all the people IN the cause to start recruiting more people. So please click on this link and join us today.
Are you wondering what our Cause even is?? Give one hour...Change a Life is all about volunteering. There are hundreds of volunteer opportunities in our community, and you are sure to find something that meets your interests. Even if you only have one hour a week, or one hour a month, there is someone that could use your help.
Getting started is easy, you can call us at 231-947-3200 x 206 or you can visit us on the internet at StartHereStayNear or you can go to our Volunteer Center Matching datasbase at our Online Volunteer Matching Service. We will be happy to help you find the perfect volunteer opportunity for you.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thank You and Good Night!
Thank you Pam for all you have done!
Monday, June 23, 2008
United Way Facebook Challenge
Help win $50,000 in total grants for your cause and United Way. The United Way Challenge is divided into three parts:
Part One: Invite
When: June 21, 2008 - June 28, 2008
The Cause that adds the most members wins $2,500 for their local United Way and young adult programs. Second place gets $1,500 and third gets $1,000.
Part Two: Mobilize
When: June 29, 2008 - August 31, 2008
Causes with the most activity will split $10,000 in grants for their United Way. Details to be announced.
Part Three: Activate
When: September 1, 2008 - October 31, 2008
The causes with the top Day of Action events will split $35,000 in grants for their United Way. Details to be announced.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Flood Recovery Fund Established
Funds Will Support Long-Term Recovery Efforts in States Devastated By Recent Floods
Alexandria, VA (June 16, 2008) — United Way today announced the creation of the United Way 2008 Midwest Flood Recovery Fund to support long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts throughout the Midwest states that have been devastated by the recent floods. Seven states have been severely impacted, with thousands of people evacuated and untold destruction to homes and businesses.
“United Way is committed to the mid- and long-term needs of the communities affected by this disaster,” said Brian A. Gallagher, president and CEO of United Way. “We intend to be a constant and very visible partner to the individuals and families of this region in their efforts to rebuild their lives.”
The focus of the United Way 2008 Midwest Flood Recovery Fund will be to support the rebuilding of lives and communities. Projects may include ensuring quality education, improving the financial stability of those affected and improving access to health care, including mental health services for those affected by the tragedy. United Ways throughout the affected states will work together, and with community partners and volunteers, to develop strategies to address the long term needs of the communities affected.
United Way also takes a leadership role in ensuring the strength of 2-1-1, a three-digit number that can be dialed for people who need services or for those who want to offer help. Thousands of people in the region are getting connected with the services they need through 2-1-1, such as finding temporary shelter. 2-1-1 provides an invaluable service in times of crisis, providing maximum community access to critical resources and information to help reduce the harmful effects of the disaster.
United Way’s community partnerships will be critical to the long-term recovery efforts. United Way is a member of both the Coordinated Assistance Network (CAN), formed to coordinate relief efforts in the wake of natural disasters, and the Major Relief Agency Consortium (MRAC) co-chaired by American Red Cross and United Way. Within this network, the initial response to disasters is led by the American Red Cross while United Way takes the lead in long-term recovery. Red Cross and United Way are joined by partners such as Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), Alliance of Information and Referral System (AIRS), Salvation Army, FEMA and many others in this critical work.
People who live in the region and want to volunteer to help with flood relief efforts are being encouraged to register at the United Way of Central Iowa's Web site,, or to call 2-1-1. United Ways in the Midwest are not looking for volunteers from outside the region at this time.
Financial donations can be made by credit card online at, or by phone at 1-866-404-5826. Checks can be mailed to United Way, c/o One World Communications, 5195 Hamstead Village Way, Suite 135, New Albany, OH 43054. Checks should be made out to United eWay and include "United Way 2008 Midwest Flood Recovery Fund" on the memo line. Questions about the fund can be directed to 1-866-404-5826.
Friday, May 23, 2008
New Camapign

Friday, May 16, 2008
Live United Video Contest

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Citizen Action Team

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Day of Caring

Monday, May 5, 2008
The Photos
Thank you also to everyone who participated, we truly appreciate you.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Pay it Forward
When you give to United Way you are in a sense paying it forward। The money you donate to us, no matter how big or small, is in turn given to local agencies. Those agencies then use the money to help people in need in our community, either through special programs, food, shelter, clothing, or healthcare. A small gesture can make a big difference in someone else's life.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Calling all volunteers!
We're looking for volunteers of all ages to help area nonprofits with various projects. Check out our website at to get started on your path of good deeds. You can also go to to sign up to be a community volunteer.
Stay tuned, we'll be posting again soon!